Abbasid Caliph Mutasim Billah

 During the rule of Abbasid Caliph Mutasim Billah ... A Muslim lady was taken prisoner by the heathens and a man of the unbelievers slapped the lady detainee! "Khalifa Mutasim .. where are you?" On hearing this, the unbeliever burst into giggling. He ridiculed him and stated, "Definitely your Mutasim will act the hero you with white and dark ponies." The news arrived at Mutasim Billah through a man. He gathered 16,000 highly contrasting ponies. The undertaking was driven by Mutasim Billah himself. His military ran quick. He managed an extreme hit to the unbeliever powers, their powers broke down. The Muslim lady who was slapped by the unbeliever and taunted that Mutasim would bring a white and dark pony was brought to Mutasim. The tormented Muslim lady was additionally acquired front of Mutasim. Caliph Mutasim Billah said to the Muslim lady, He acted the hero you with a pony. '

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